Crowdfunding and Taxation in Switzerland
Introduction Crowdfunding – i.e. raising money via online platforms – in Switzerland is still in its infancy. Although the individual forms of funding are essentially nothing new under civil law, many uncertainties remain under tax law. The main problem affecting not only those involved in the transactions (e.g. backers, recipients of the funds and brokerage […]
Collaborative Economy Market Contraction Signals Maturity
Platforms are proliferating. What began as easily parseable tasks, such as coding and data entry, has now moved up the complexity spectrum to include creative challenges: design, video, campaign concepts and more. However, most platforms are open to public view and merely request a social media account to log in. That may be fine on […]
Understanding Elon Musk
This is a sneak peak of a four-part series by author and TED speaker Tim Urban. If you enjoy reading please supprt Tim at Patreon. I’m fascinated by those rare people in history who manage to dramatically change the world during their short time here, and I’ve always liked to study those people and read […]
LEGO engineered a remarkable turnaround of its business. How’d that happen?
This week the Danish toymaker LEGO posted a 25% jump in revenues and a 31% rise in net profits for 2015, a far cry from 2003 when the company was in deep trouble, having lost 30 percent of its turnover over the past year. In 2004, another 10 percent vanished. As Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, LEGO’s […]
#Act Now ! Wieso Unternehmen über ihre Grenzen hinweg denken müssen
Wir befinden uns bereits mitten im fortgeschrittenen, vom Autor Karl-Heinz-Land beschworenen ‚Digitalen Darwinismus’. Diejenigen Unternehmen, die es nicht schaffen sich rechtzeitig an die bevorstehenden Änderungen in den Wirtschafts-, Organisations- und Arbeitsprozessen anzupassen werden es in Zukunft schwer haben – oder schlichtweg nicht mehr existieren. Denn auch hier gilt: Nicht der größte und stärkste gewinnt, sondern […]